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  We want you to Play Your A-Game™. And it’s not easy.
The distractions of life are immense. The stresses often ferocious. The turbulence that comes from Murphy’s Law seems never-ending.
Yet amidst it all (it will never go away),
you can create a zone in which you work with zeal, passion, and focus (not frustration). If not all the time, at least a lot more than you do now.
We start with a situation assessment to
understand what may help and what may hinder your performance. We may conduct a Leadership Impact Study, a Leadership Navigator™ Survey, and/or one of several Personality Profiles, such as the Five-Factor, the MBTI, or the Caliper.
We then stage an in-depth conversation with you to help you see where you are, and where you want to go. Once we have those coordinates,
we help you build your plan to Play Your A-Game™, using our proprietary processes (based on the latest science of personal performance improvement). We help you hone in on what you need to do, when you need to do it, and how you need to do it to be your best, with the most satisfaction.
Once you have built your plan,
we stage regular TouchPoint™ sessions to make sure you stay on track and achieve your goals.
There really is a science to performance coaching, and we can help you pass it on. Our Coach-the-Coach™ process helps you understand the dynamics of successful coaching, so that you can help your people and your peers take themselves to the next level.
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I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than I am of 100 lions lead by a sheep.”
— Talleyrand