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  Strategy is like a farmer holding a seed. Lots of potential there. But it’s what happens to the seed that really matters.
Most businesses do not need strategists. They need strategy implementers. People who can take good ideas and make them come alive, like a farmer growing a seed. People who will nurture those ideas, water them, make sure varmints don’t eat them, make sure they get enough sunlight to thrive so that it can grow strong and the fruit can be harvested.

We have noticed that in most businesses there is an abundance of good “seed” ideas, and a dearth of implementation of those ideas.
That is where we come in.
We help management teams understand the “brutal reality” of their situation, make decisions about what CAN be done, and choose what WILL be done.
Unlike strategy consultants who will tell you what to do in analytic “business-terminology,” that leaves the human element out of their recommendations, we take a different approach.
We integrate behavioral science into the implementation of your strategic initiatives so that resistance is reduced, acceptance is increased, and you begin reaping the value of the idea sooner.
We stick in there with you to help see the implementation through, whether we act as project managers or as consultants, to help assure proper leadership and follow-through from the implementation teams. That way, you are assured that your strategies are not “paper tigers and practical pussycats” like the million-dollar report by the brainiac consultants that ends up in a desk-drawer because it did not account for the human system.
In the end,
we help you focus effort in the right ways and in the right sequence to achieve real breakthrough.
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Business more than any other occupation is a continual dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight.”
— Henry R. Luce